Article out now in Global Change Biology: Bioenergy

After some (many) months of exercising patience, the results of my graduation research at Wageningen University (Department of Soil Quality) have been printed and published online in Global Change Biology’s ‘child’ journal Bioenergy. My co-workers and I also were lucky to have our paper’s title and photo printed on the issue’s cover.

The article discusses the results of so-called soil incubations of three biomass substances. Three sequential substances: a cattle manure, an anaerobic digestate of that manure, and a biochar of that digestate. We found that these subsequent treatments increase the stability of the product. This results in reduced release of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) when put in soil. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of this stabilization, taking into account the manifold specifics of the release pattern of C and N.

Please find here a selection of pages from our paper ‘Bioenergy from cattle manure? Implications of anaerobic digestion and subsequent pyrolysis for carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soil






One response to “Article out now in Global Change Biology: Bioenergy”

  1. […] In mijn labonderzoek aan de Wageningen Universiteit, uitgevoerd met postdoc MariaLuz Cayuela en onder begeleiding van Jan Willem van Groenigen, heb ik een stukje van de bodemverbetering onderzocht. Biochar vergeleek ik met twee vormen van biomassa die niet verkoold waren: koeienmest en het residue van anaerobe vergisting van die koeienmest. Op dat onderzoek kom ik terug als de resultaten worden gepubliceerd (en dat staat intussen hier). […]

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